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New hope ghosts is about Ghosts that haunt New Hope, Pa buildings, etc. Check out bridges, hotels, etc. Look around & enjoy! Thanks for visiting! Come back soon! Ttyl!

haunted new hope

Haunted Places links

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host: sheisl0ved

style sheeet: loveblush

programs used:

PSP 8 & PCS6 extended


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Hey good morning everyone. It's around 2ish am. Idk what I'm doing up. lol. Must've got enough sleep. lol.

Please say a prayer for Karmen @ She got hit by the hurricane Beryl. She has no power. She didn't have water. but thankfully the water came on yesterday but no power. Ugh. I feel for people who don't have power.

Your in my prayers (sis). :) Hope you all will have a great day. I'm trying to update my sites as much as possible. I'm bored. I can't sleep.

Going to go make some graphics for sealove. Ttyl. Thanks for visiting!